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Customize Shipping

Thread begun 3/09/2009 6:47 pm by contact341526 | Last modified 3/13/2009 7:25 am by Ray Borduin | 3524 views | 5 replies |


Customize Shipping

Hello, I am almost done with my first ecommerce site using e-cart. I have a UPS account set up and used the checkout wizard to set up the checkout and shipping info (using local checkout and ups).

I can't figure out how to give an option to choose express shipping or ground shipping? I did not see a forum on it either. Is there any tutorial or anyone that can help walk me though this process. And what page would I put it on?

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This is what I was told in a similar support ticket.

On the checkout page in the shipping part of the form you will need to add a new select list. The name does not matter so much as the options and values in it. After the select list is in place use these for the options:
<option value="01">Next Day Air</option>
<option value="02">2nd Day Air</option>
<option value="03">Ground</option>
<option value="07">Worldwide Express</option>
<option value="08">Worldwide Expedited</option>
<option value="11">Standard</option>
<option value="12">3 Day Select</option>
<option value="13">Next Day Air Saver</option>
<option value="14">Next Day Air Early AM</option>
<option value="54">Worldwide Express Plus</option>
<option value="59">2nd Day Air AM</option>
<option value="65">Express Saver</option>
Once this is in place you will need to edit the UPS shipping server behavior that is on the confirm page. In here you will use the lightning bolt for the service type and choose this new select list that you put in the checkout form.

You may also need to know...
On your confirm page you may need to go to Bindings > Form Data and select your checkout page to get the form bindings available on this page. After you do this you should see the form from the checkout page, on my confirm page it is eCart_checkout_form.

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I was looking for this information. It worked just as it should. Thanks.

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changing ups totals

I did what you described and it worked great, however now I am running into sort of a custom issue and am hoping there is some code out there that someone might know.

I have this cart set up to automatically submit xml data to a fulfillment company - so that all orders are fulfilled in real time. The problem is that the xml data need to match theirs exactly. So where UPS required the values that you posed for their shipping methods - the fulfillment company required different values or just the text of shipping type. I can't change the form value or it will not work with ups. My shipping value is being stored in a mysql database and then being posted to the xml data.

How can I create some kind of code that says for example if shipping value is 03 then post "UPS GROUND"
if shipping value is 02 then post "UPS 2nd DAY AIR" and so on.

I am using php.

Thank you so much for any help that can be supplied.

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Got it

Never mind on my previous post - I think that being up till 2AM got to my head:) All I needed was an if else condition.


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Ray BorduinWebAssist

I think this code and similar lists for other shipping providers and settings are contained as snippits in DW as well, so you can drag and drop them onto the page from there.

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