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Can I Make Ribbon Thumbnails Larger?

Thread began 4/28/2010 9:36 am by caryenochr380957 | Last modified 4/30/2010 10:15 am by Jimmy Wu | 1422 views | 5 replies |


Can I Make Ribbon Thumbnails Larger?

I would like to make ribbon thumbnails larger their default size. Are there any user editable configuration files, XML, JSS, or CSS, that I can edit to accomplish this?

I'll be using ribbon and full size/light galleries. I feel that the thumbnails are much too small. Is their size property editable? Is gallery.js the file I should be looking at, possibly a thumbWidth parameter? If I change it from 79 to 100 or 120 as an example, would that do it?

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Can I Make Ribbon Thumbnails Larger?

It looks like if I change a parameter in common.css and gallery.js then the ribbon container will become deeper. Can I just then replace the thumbnails with slightly larger ones to fill the space? Am I on the right track? I'm worried that if I change things all over the place that I'll break things and have to reload everyhting.

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Jimmy Wu

If you replace the thumbnails with larger ones, they should show up correctly. I would recommend making a backup of your current files, so if anything stops working, you can go back to the original.

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Thanks! I would much rather do that than make any changes to the basic files and risk breaking something. I will give it a shot.

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I took two ribbon thumbnail images after PowerGallery created them to try out your suggestion. The thumbnail image names ended with _62c where 62 was the default height of the ribbon thumbnails. I downloaded them and resized them to 100px square from 62px square and then replaced them via FTP.

Unfortunately, there was no apparent change in their size. I made sure to clear the cache, etc. It seems to me that there must be other files that restrict or affect their sizes when viewed in the ribbon panel. Do you have any other suggestions?

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Jimmy Wu

If you go into the galleries/[gallery type]/index.php file, and find a line that looks similar to this:
echo '<img alt="" title="' . $i . '##' . str_replace('"', '\"', $gallery['images'][$i]['title']) . '##' . str_replace('"', '\"', $gallery['images'][$i]['description']) . '" src="' . $gallery['images'][$i]['thumb']['url'] . '" width="62" height="62" />';

You will have to change the width and height there as well. You may also need to adjust some of the other sizes for the gallery to make it look correct.

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