New to working with DataAssist
I am new to working with WA DataAssist. In the past I have used pre-built ecommerce solutions like BV Commerce and AspDotNetSorefront. These solutions had built in cms, online store displayed in columns not vertical display, protected sections if needed and more. I have the majority of WA products and wanted to see if I was able to do this myself using WA products. I ran through the Data Assist tutorial and had no problems, but am not sure how I would use Data Assist to create product pages in multi column format and then how would I integrate that to ecart, security assist. Also when viewing tutorial and using search, If I choose a category like CD or gear and then go back to view products it still displays previous category, only way to clear is run new search and not choose a category to display. Is there a way around this and is there a way to also show a default category on page load before any type of search is run. What I am wanting to do is create an online store, products would be displayed in multi colum view, be able to navigate by category, not a seperate page for every product like gear.asp or music.asp but all load on same page like products.asp?id=1 or 2 and this would change on category selected. Also have backend with protection that I would then use security assist and there I would use the Admin pages from Data Assist to update, edit or delete products in main site.