The solutions are designed for people to use on their web sites, they are not intended for web shops to use and resell at their convenience. That would undercut our ability to make them in the first place since we would have to compete with anyone who purchased it who could sell it for any price without a license preventing that. If you want to resell them, you would have to buy a copy per domain you end up pushing live.

If that is your new policy, then it is your business to run as you see fit. However, it is completely and totally at odds with what is stated in the description of your other solutions - that in the words on your site, "WebAssist solutions include include a developer’s license so you can use our products to develop as many websites as you desire; all for one low cost."
Here are the URLs:
In both cases look at the "Features" Tab under "Why Webassist Solutions?"
If this Powerstore solution is different, then you need to say so up front.