I'm getting this error when I try to execute the query detailed below. You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'b64:U0VMRUNUIGlkLCBpdGVtLCBkYXRlRW50ZXJlZCwgYXV0aG
The query I'm trying to execute, is I think quite simple and the code has been produced by the Webassist mysqli module.
<?php $article = new WA_MySQLi_RS("article",$Cranmer,1);
$article->setQuery("SELECT id, item, dateEntered, author, copyright, headline FROM master WHERE id = ?");
$article->bindParam("i", "".(isset($_GET['id'])?$_GET['id']:"") ."", "-1");
I am passing the parameter as a url.